Saturday, 9 May 2015

Starting a Gluten Free Life

Hello again,

So for the past 3 weeks or so I have felt totally lousy! I have had full blown nausea from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep (sounds like fun I know!) on top of this I have been battling stomach pains and a whole lotta bloating. So I tootled along to the doctors to see what the hell was wrong with me, I went in and explained all my symptoms to her and then she unleashed the bombshell...She told me it sounded like a food intolerance.Great.

 Now you may think I am being a tad bit dramatic but for someone who loves their food this is
like a death sentence. The problem with this (rather vague) diagnosis is that they didn't really explain what I could be intolerant to. So naturally I flocked to the Internet to google the symptoms of common food intolerance's. As expected the one that seem most likely is a gluten intolerance. Now I obviously don't know that this is what I am intolerant to but the only real way to tell is to go cold turkey and see if there are any improvements.

The problem is I bloody LOVE gluten! and I have been genuinely surprised in how many foods contain gluten that you wouldn't expect, soy sauce being the biggest blow! But being as desperate as I am to feel better I am going to try to spend the next month on a zero gluten diet. This will be a big adgustment for me as I do eat a lot of high gluten foods, but I am taking this as an opertunity to try a whole load of new recipes and hopefully eat a little healthier.

So today has been the first day and I am happy to say I have had absolutely no gluten and even managed to resist the urge to eat all the lovely treats that were on offer at Costco. Plus I made a rather great discovery in the fact that Pizza Hut make a gluten free pizza! Yeah Buddy! So I will keep you updated and let you know if I start to see a differance.

Love Always,
Megan x

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